Where appropriate, we periodically assist colleagues from developing countries to attend international conferences.
Patricia Mukayagi, CEO/Founder, Visiting Angels Nursing Agency, Kenya who attended the CURAVIVA Global Ageing Network in 2017 on our scholarship has forwarded us an update of the work her organisation is carrying out in Kenya.
My experience at the CURAVIVA Global Ageing Network in 2017 was an eye-opener to the much work that is yet to be completed on the ageing landscape.

Angels Healthcare Network in Kenya works to improve the healthcare status of the older people. Currently, we have 1000 older people in registered and certified self-help groups of 30 members per group.
Through our collaboration with the local county government, the older people have become beneficiaries of the dairy-goat farming project funded by the World Bank.
The dairy goats farming keeps the older people active as they feed the goats, they sell the milk thus boosting their economic status and they drink the milk too, keeping them healthy.

We also held medical camp for the older people in which they were screened for non-communicable diseases and advised on self-care.

There was much singing and dancing, great fun and exercise for the older people.

I am currently completing my MSC program in Global Ageing and Policy at The University of Southampton, United Kingdom through the Commonwealth Scholarship program, for which I am most grateful.