#RefuseToAbuse this World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

#RefuseToAbuse this World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

The Commonwealth is home to 2.5 billion people, and includes both advanced economies and developing countries. 32 of the members are small states, including many island nations. According to the data platform Knoema, approximately over 2.38 million people aged 60+...
CommonAge meets the Foreign Minister of Jamaica

CommonAge meets the Foreign Minister of Jamaica

We were recently invited to the Jamaican High Commission in London, where our Chair, Andrew Larpent was honoured to meet with Senator, the Honourable Kamina Johnson Smith, Foreign Minister of Jamaica. They chatted at length, and she expressed great interest in our...
Add your voice to the #CelebrateAgedCare campaign

Add your voice to the #CelebrateAgedCare campaign

The #CelebrateAgedCare campaign needs you! Across the globe, people working to support older adults are sharing their passion helping make a difference to other people’s lives through this exciting initiative, and we’re asking the aged care workforce across the...
Reflections on five years as CEO at Tafta

Reflections on five years as CEO at Tafta

Consisting of leaders from across the Commonwealth, our volunteer Board members bring with them an amazing and invaluable wealth of knowledge and experience. Here our Board member Femada Shamam, CEO of The Association For The Ageing (Tafta), Durban, South Africa,...