Bridging the generations in The Commonwealth
While there are more young people in the Commonwealth, old people are the fastest growing age group, and their experience is often mis-represented and not well understood. We believe that by bringing the generations together, we are encouraging mutual respect and...
Introducing our new website
We are thrilled to announce the launch of our exciting new website, www.commage.org. With its streamlined and contemporary design, the new site clearly showcases our many activities, and offers a more a user-friendly experience through improved navigation and...
A Year in Review and Looking to the Future
On 30th June 2021, CommonAge marked its 7th anniversary since it was formally launched in 2014. We are writing to update you on our progress, to thank you for your support for our work and look forward to your continuing encouragement and financial backing. As we all...
Author Needed – Aged Care Professional – Expressions of Interest Wanted
Author Needed – Aged Care Professional – Expressions of Interest Wanted UPDATE JULY 2021 Thank you to all who expressed an interest in writing this chapter. We have selected an experienced author and will update you when this work is published. The...