Klaus Zimmerman AM
Founding Director and CEO

Klaus Zimmermann has 30 years+ extensive experience in CEO, senior executive positions and non-executive boards including being the Chair with a management/finance background.
Klaus has worked in the aged care sector since 1991 commencing at ACH Group as a senior executive and Deputy CEO. From August 2001 to September 2013, Klaus held the position of CEO of Eldercare Incorporated, which is one of the larger S.A. based not for profit (NFP) aged care organisations specialising in Residential Care Facilities, Community Care and Retirement Villages for the elderly.
Prior to 1991 Klaus worked in the corporate sector including manufacturing, banking and superannuation.
He is now working as a non-executive director of HESTA Superannuation
Fund, ISPT Super Property Trust, Southern Cross Aged Care SA/NT Inc.
and Chair of Masonic Care Tasmania Inc. and Founding Director and CEO
of the Commonwealth Association for the Ageing Ltd. In addition, he
mentors CEO’s and senior executives across a range of industries.
In 2003 he was appointed by the Federal Treasurer of the Australian Federal Government to the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) as a part time member, a position he held to December 2011. The Council is responsible for the broad oversight of the accounting and auditing standard setting process for the private, public and not for profit sectors within Australia. He was also Chair of the nominations committee for the FRC.
Klaus sat on the state and national aged care industry board for many years
and he is a past National President and Chair of ACSA (September 2007 to
November 2011) which is the major peak industry organisation for the NFP
aged care sector.
Klaus was also for many years on the State and National Boards of a major
accounting industry association and was its national president for 3 years.
In the 1980’s Klaus was involved in the Credit Union Industry for nearly 10 years serving as a Director and Chairman of an Adelaide based Credit Union as well as sitting on a number of Industry Boards.
Klaus has presented widely across Australia at forums and conferences as a Subject Matter Expert on aged care, superannuation, governance and leadership. Internationally he has presented in Japan, USA, South Africa, Malaysia and Switzerland. Klaus is also proficient in the German Language.
In January 2014 he was awarded an Order of Australia for services to the Aged Care Sector.
+61 418897576
KLAUS ZIMMERMANN (Bachelor of Business, (Acct), Diploma of Corporate Management, JP, AM)